So, here I go.
My 1st blog.
I'm sitting here, my mind buzzing!
What should I write about? How totally intimidating!!
Many of my friends blog. And WOW are they awesome! There are some who bring me to tears they are so touching. And some are just so funny, I can't wait to read the next blog they post. They've got fancy backrounds, music, pictures, you name it. Cut me some slack until I figure this all out, OK? Alrighty then, let's do this!
So, what should I write about???
Should I write about the thoughts that are consuming much of my mind lately, those that have me up late every night and early every morning? The thought that out there, somewhere, is a little girl who could soon be ours? OH! The excitement! :) The emotions!!! We are currently in the middle of applying for adoption and to say it's beginning to get stressful and emotional is an under exaggeration. The paperwork--whew. My heart is already so wrapped up in this, in her. We are hoping to adopt a little girl. A sister for Scarlet. She would be #4, the one who will even things out around here. Already, I'm thinking about her, thinking about what she looks like, how she's being treated and who is taking care of her. I can't wait to see that first picture of her. To meet her. To give her that first hug. That first kiss. To introduce her to her new brothers and sister who we hope, will end up being her very best friends for life. To buy her bed which will, of course, match Scarlet's. To buy her that first dolly. To bring her home and promise her that she is safe here. To tell her how much Jesus loves her and show her what true love really means in the way of actions. To comfort her and help her heal. To tell her that Bret and I plan to give her a wonderful life. To tell her that we'll protect her to our dying day. To help her keep in contact with those she already loves. And by the grace of God, to help give her a promising future. When we go out in public, to the grocery, to church, I look around and see little girls and wonder, "Could that be her?!" After all, she is out there somewhere! Someone has her. But soon, she may be ours.
Or, should I write about how blessed I feel to be rearing three of the most incredible, strong-willed, lively, cantankerous children in the entire world? As my good friend Libby puts it, I just want to "make out" with them! HA! They are "simply delicious"! They bring me so much joy every single day. They also drive me absolutely bonkers every single day, too! HA! But, I know that I should treasure every single minute I have with them every single day. I love Jaxon's sweet, adoring smile as he brings me wilted flowers that drive my allergies craaazy. I love Scarlet's colorful (read: colored on hands--along with the colored on table and chairs or whatever other piece(s) of furniture that were involved in the process of her creating her fabulous art) little hands presenting me scribbled drawings. I love the curious, thrilling look in Liam's eyes when he sees pictures in books and realizes they can be real objects, too! I love it all. Don't get me wrong, I have my moments. I have moments when I think, "I am wanting to do what??--adopt MORE children to help drive me crazy?!" HA! But, when it gets down to it, I think the sign above my washer and dryer sums up my life at the moment: "Just Another Day In Paradise".
Or, should I write about how I'm insanely in love with my husband?! I mean, good grief, the man's smokin' hot, works hard as a soldier to provide for our family, and spoils me. Well now, seeing as it's only my 1st official post, I don't want to over do it. We'll save him for later...ooh la la.
OH! But, can I just say how thrilled I am that HE took over the responsibility of our finances tonight!
Woohoo! There goes one less thing for me to do! (Hey, that rhymed!)
There now, that wasn't so hard. This blogging thing might not be so hard after all!
I would like to thank my friend, Jen for kicking my butt into gear and getting me going on my blog. I would also like to thank my friend, Mary Katharine for coming up with the name of my blog, and my friends, Mari and Jamie, for encouraging me to blog! Thanks for all the help and much-appreciated encouragement!!
simply beautiful and brought me to tears! I cant wait to read more! Miss seeing you!
ReplyDeleteLOVE IT! and thanks for the props to all of us 'hood girls, past and present!